Paper, How did the Middle East become 'the Middle East?', Global Histories of International Thought and Geopolitical Concepts, University of Groningen, May 2024.
Panel Participant, Imperialism, Political Economy Summer Institute, June 3, 2023, online.
Chair and Discussant, Remade by War: New Perspectives on Postwar North Africa, Annual conference of the American Institute for Maghrib Studies, Tunis, Tunisia, May 11-12, 2023
Workshop Presentation, Oil and In/Security, Security in Context, University of Oklahoma, September 16-17, 2022.
Keynote Address, The End of the Ceasefire and Its Consequences, Symposium on Western Sahara: Between Colonialism, Imperialism, and Self-Determination, Freiheit f羹r die Westsahara e.V, April 23, 2021, online.
Paper, Why is the Everywhere War mostly in the Middle East and North Africa?, Western Interventions in the Wake of Arab Uprisings: Political Containment, Neoliberalism, and Imperial Legacies, Workshop, Middle East Center and School of Global and Area Studies, Oxford University, February 23-25, 2021, online.
Talk, Making Hegemony in the Middle East, Sovereignty, Order & Conflict Seminar Series, Moynihan Institute of Global Affairs, Syracuse University, October 8, 2020, online.
Lecture, The UN Failure in Western Sahara, Osaka School of International Public Policy, University of Osaka, Japan, November 5, 2019.
Paper, Why is the Everywhere War Mostly in the Middle East?, Le Centre dtudes Maghr矇bines Tunis (CEMAT), September 12, 2019.
Concept Paper, Development and Global Security, Governance and Local Development in the Middle East and North Africa, workshop, organized by the Department of Political Science at the University of Gothenburg, held in Sarajevo, August 79, 2019.
Paper, From the Capital of Africa to the Caliphate: High Modern Authoritarianism and Infrastructural Warfare in Sirte, Libya, De/constructing the Middle Eastern City: Places, Publics, and Geographies of Global Connection, workshop, Maxwell School of International Affairs, March 30, 2018.
Lecture, The Necessity of Human Rights Violations in Western Sahara, Departamento Derecho Internacional P繳blico, Relaciones Internacionales e Historia del Derecho, Universidad del Pa穩s Vasco, November 23, 2017.
Paper, Conditions of Regionality: The Politics of Comparing Armed Conflicts in the Middle East and North Africa, The Politics of Comparing Armed Conflicts, workshop, Universit矇 du Qu矇bec Montr矇al, October 13, 2017.
Paper, Regional Insecurities: Arms, Oil, and Orientalism in the Middle East and North Africa, Middle Eastern Studies, Maxwell School of International Studies, Syracuse University, September 28, 2017.
Co-organizer and co-chair, Making Space in the Maghrib, 30th Annual Conference of the American Institute for Maghrib Studies, funded by the Council of American Overseas Research Centers, Djerba, Tunisia, July 89, 2017.
Paper, Towards a Political Economy of State Failure in Libya, Extremism, Security, and the State in Africa, Institute for African Development Symposium, Cornell University, October 29, 2016.
Talk, Why youve never heard of Western Sahara: Morocco, the United States, and Africas Last Colony, Cornell Law School, April 18, 2016.
Talk, From State of the Masses to State of the Martyrs: Rethinking Libya, Arab World Studies Program, American University, April 11, 2016.
Presentation, Economics as Antipolitics in Civil War research, Symposium on the Geopolitics of Inequality, Bloustein School of Public Affairs, Rutgers University, November 11, 2015.
Paper, The Geopolitical Functions of the Western Sahara Conflict: US hegemony, Moroccan Stability, and Sahrawi Resistance, Seminario Internacional sobre el Sahara Occidental, University of Granada and University of Ja矇n, Spain, October 31November 1, 2015.